What’s the best type of friend? If you can’t think of one word to describe the best type of friend then you have some problems bro! LOYAL! The best type of friend in this world is a loyal one! SHEESH…

Many people like to claim that they are loyal, but actions speak louder than words and I will preach this till the day I die, in fact it might be the last thing I scream as the lights go out. That was fucking morbid, I apologize. Shaking my head. AF is the only acronym you will EVER see me use, you’ll see! You know why I know for a fact I am the most loyal friend in the world because I will go over board for a friend, my actions prove my words over and over. I will speak up for a friend and defend them, even against our own mutual friends, because I am not concerned with what other people think in terms of sticking up for what is right. I will do research for friends in need. I will give a friend a place to stay. I will send a friend flowers or a care package when shit is going South for them. I send thank you’s, I love you’s, thinking of you’s. The list goes on, I am a really really good friend. My communication is on point, not perfect because no ones is, but really fucking good! Here is the “negative” side to being an extremely loyal person. I get my feelings hurt very easily. I bend over backwards for the people I care about and a lot of the time when you are #loyal af, you don’t always get back what you give. That has been one of the hardest things to train myself how to except. How to except that just because I am loyal, doesn’t mean other people are going to be. It’s a really tough one for me to except, really tough people. I get disappointed so much that I could be a fucking multi millionaire right now. I know, I know, boo fucking hoo to me! I can literally hear some of you saying it. Don’t worry I wasn’t asking for anyones sympathy. I can’t stand sympathy as a matter of fact. I just want people to be real and I want more people to be selfless. I am a type 2 personality, I am a helper, I do a lot of really selfless things for people and I am rarely helping myself. It’s just who I am, even when I try not to be. But type 2 personalities get hurt a lot, so if you are a type 2, fucking praises to you my friend, it’s not easy!

I think my daughter has started picking up on all that I do and sees how passionate I am about friendships and just how I handle daily life. She has been doing some selfless things for friends lately and she is only 3 years old. I hope she keeps this up. I have had situations in recent years where my closest friends have disappointed me. Listen, it’s not really their fault. I really mean that! I’ll give you specific examples, might piss some people off, but hey, I was pissed when I didn’t feel the loyalty. I have a few examples; People who call themselves your best friend, but you never hear from them, you hit them up and don’t hear back. The excuses are always the same, “so busy, blah blah, work, blah blah, relationship stuff, blah blah, I am just flaky my bad, blah blah.” I hate excuses more than anything. I promise I have a busier life than most and I still make time for all the ones I love. Another example was a guy I dated and grew up with made some really insulting remarks about me being Jewish, I reached out to some friends about it, I even posted about it on social media. I had hoped some friends would reach out to this person that they knew as well and tell him what a fucking asshole he was. No one did a THING. In fact they sort of defended the fact that he was just an idiot and I needed to let it go. It really really hurt me. Now if it had been the other way around, you bet your ass I would have reached out to him and given him hell for my friend. People don’t really look at their actions unless they have a couple of people telling them to look, the person they hurt is just ONE person. Then a trip I was on, some asshole I didn’t even know made a nasty comment to me that was so uncalled for. I got upset and asked the people I was with to defend me. Their answer to me was that they didn’t hear what happened. WOW! I mean seriously what has this world come too. Miss Mollie AF, would have walked right up to this guy, I would have taken my friends word and told him to apologize and watch the way he talks to Women, especially Women he doesn’t even know or have any right to insult. But hey, that’s just me! I stick up for the people I care about. Don’t even get me started on most recent guys I have dated. ALL TALK. I’ll write a separate post about that, you know I will!

I could give a lot more examples, but those are the most recent. If I gave advice to myself or someone just like me, I might say well maybe you need new friends, or maybe you shouldn’t take it so personally, or just get over it and move on. I am still figuring out what the best moves are, I don’t have all of the answers. Being loyal af can sometimes be more of a curse than a blessing. It carries a lot of emotions and can be very fragile. Do you like how I am talking about the word loyal as though it was a person? HAHA.. I am probably the only one giggling, oh well. (Hands up in the air). So take this as a rant, or a venting session or coaching. Doesn’t really matter, most will read this and go, I am loyal, what the hell is she talking about, maybe you are, I don’t really know who is actually reading these words of gold!? (Seriously I am not that full of myself, but I know I got some eye rolls). I guess my only hope, if you got anything from this, is that people can be a little more selfless. It’s one thing to say that you are, but it’s another thing to physically show that you are. Try sticking up for someone who needs sticking up for even though you might be a little nervous about what your whole friend circle, or parent group might think. Make it a point to spend 2 minutes reaching out to all of your besties once a week, just stick it in the reminders on your phone.

I will say I have started putting the breaks on how much I bend for certain people and I am taking note on who bends for me and showing those people how much it means to me. Sometimes you just have to do a little re arranging, that’s all! #LoyalAF forever folks. Just a needle in a haystack over here. You’re welcome!


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