You are probably looking at the title of my post saying, “what did you warn me about Mollie?”  I warned you how raw, real and honest I will get.  How I will sometimes, most of the time (let’s be honest), have some pretty strong opinions, but my opinions come from real life experiences.  I am never going to have a strong opinion about something that I haven’t myself experienced.  When people go and have strong argumentative opinions about shit they haven’t even dealt with or seen for themselves, I want to barf all over those people.  I know gross, but that is exactly how I feel about “false” opinions.  So there you go, you have been warned again, I won’t do anymore warning so for the faint of heart, the sensitive souls, the angry humans of the world, turn back and go find yourself a PG blog.  So if you have decided to stay then please do me and yourself a favor and put on your humor cap, try to find humor in the content that you might find offensive, don’t think too hard, I see you over there thinking hard, relax, onward!

So I wanted to bring up something that I write a little bit about in my book which is “Bully Moms.”  There is literally a chapter in my book called “Bully Moms.”  It’s juicy and it rips on asshole Mamas that I have come across in Brooklyn.  I am sure there are asshole Dads, but fortunately I haven’t run into any of them yet, I would love to hear some stories from some Papas about some asshole Dads, I need a good laugh right now so email these stories my way and maybe I will post one.  I am a girl, I love being a girl, I do not want to go back in time and come out as a boy, but in my almost 32 years of life I have to admit that many more ladies like to cause a little bit more drama.  I mean it makes sense, our entire make up is different that a man, but when you are a parent the last thing you want to deal with is parents, Moms, Dads, whomever, that cause DRAMA, you just don’t want to deal with it.  I know for myself I have wayyyyyyy too much going on in my life to cause or deal with drama, but hey my opinions and way of life tend to get me into trouble with the more sensitive types, the types that are just looking for the drama. 

Becoming a parent has introduced me to this whole world of grownups categorized into the ones that grew up and the ones that are still living in high school and in college.  There are also the parents (notice how I am saying parents and not Moms?  I am easing you into what might or might not rock your boat and piss you the fuck off!), who have dug themselves into a huge pit of negativity, insecurities, jealousy, the list goes on.  What I have to say to this specific parents is get a therapist, go back to work, get laid (the list could be longer), and chill the fuck out!  Some of you might be like, “come on Mollie, don’t start shaming, be a little bit empathetic.”  Nope I can’t be, you know why, because I am over here doing it all, no husband to help me out, no one financially supporting me.  I grind like a fucking boss, I don’t let myself fall down or fall apart because I spent a lot of my 20’s doing that and NO ONE rubbed my back, I got the fuck through it.  So instead of taking what I am saying personally maybe figure out how to get empowered.  People who start drama are usually bored as fuck or they have shit going on in their lives and need a punching bag.  The punching bags these types of people look for are either the weakest or the strongest people, there is no middle.  In my personal experience as a parent, the types of parents who exude these behaviors have been Women.  So my question is, can I hang with the Dad group on occasion?

Listen, again, I love females, but I grew up with a bunch of Males, I know most of the world hates them right now, but I don’t and I should I guess because I have been raped and harassed and hurt badly by Men, but honestly I have been hurt pretty badly by Women, not sexually, but I don’t see the point in belittling Men, I am not sure what that will accomplish because not all of them are horrible, most are, JUST KIDDING!  So where is this Dads group, you think they would let me hang with them once a week or are the wives and girlfriends going to have an insecurity shit fit fest.  I have never been a jealous girlfriend, so again I am just giving my opinion off of experience.  Ladies, trust your Man enough to hang out with other Women, if he is a cheater is going to figure out a way to do it no matter what.  Sorry I tend to go off on tangents, but I ring them in pretty quick.  So where was I, oh ya, Dad groups, I am going to find one and ask if I can come hang for a day every couple of weeks or so.  I am really just interested in what the vibe is like.  Do they bicker, do they get at each other for stupid shit, twist words around?  Do they have each others backs, or do they run scared when one of their dudes needs them in fear of what all the other dudes are going to think?  Do they talk about sex?  About their kids the entire time?  Yes, I am totally interested, because if it’s the way I imagine it, then we are sitting around drinking beer or stiff drinks, watching a sports game, making stupid jokes, poking fun at each other, then we all part ways, goodnight, that was fun, see ya next week.  I will let you know when I partake in a “bro” night, it’s gonna happen!

Alright friends, thanks for reading, I have a lot of work to do with the rest of my day so we will catch up later.  Go out there and be a fucking boss, it’s much simpler than you think, but if you love the DRAMA, go become a high school teacher, you can surround yourself in the mulch of it all, sounds awesome (sarcasm)!  If you haven’t already done so please click the links below and follow me on instagram and twitter.

Single af xoxo