Honestly, I don’t even feel like writing right now. I am literally forcing myself to do this right now. Apparently, I am told that in order to prove yourself as a writer you need to consistently blog. Can you guess what kind of face I am making right now? Or possible hand gestures? I’ll keep you wondering for now. I want this post to be about the balance of parenting and being your child’s friend, but I am a little ticked off at my adorable wee daughter, so we will see how this plays out. I guess the way my morning started plays into how you decide to choose your cards. The attitude, the fucking whining and non stop crying over the most minimal things was a plenty this morning. Sundays are brunch days for my child and I. She loves to brunch, (I should say, she normally likes to brunch). On this particular day it was fucking DIVA DAY times 100. Like, just shut the hell up. Of course I ordered the second mimosa, even tho I needed to work out (which I still did…Yes I am a fucking boss bitch). The second mimosa didn’t help, nothing can really help when someone is constantly nagging and I don’t have anyone to take the weight off/hand her over too to give me a breather. Welcome to SINGLE AF PARENTING!

I love my kid, don’t get me wrong, most of the time we are getting along swimmingly, but some days she has an attitude that is so goddamn diva-rageous that I wonder if she got switched at the hospital. Listen, you can shake your head all you want, but ever parent has thought that when their kid is going bananas. It’s weird because on one hand I am a strict parent, when I make a threat like, “if you don’t stop your bike is going in time out the rest of the week”, the bike goes in time out the rest of the week. No if ands or butts. Now on the other hand I am not finicky about what my kid watches. I let her watch The Bachelorette with me the other night. She quite enjoyed it and asked a lot of very smart questions about what was going on. A lot of parents would shake their fingers at me to say, “how could I let her watch that. Honestly I think it’s worse to let your kids get away with bad behavior, which quite a few parents do. They use super soft voices and giggle and laugh in a nervous way and they tell their kids they will get into trouble but they don’t.

I am going to stick with how I do things, because even though I am a little exhausted right now and annoyed, I am probably just being dramatic because as a single mom with NO help from another parent and not a lot of help from family, I am playing so many different roles AND…I am supposed to get my period in a week, so my patience is thin. HA! Too much info, right? I don’t care. This is the wrong blog for you if that was too much info! There is a chapter in my book called “Castor Oil and Hemorrhoids”. YUP!!!! I shouldn’t complain at all. My daughter really is my best friend, but hey, you get annoyed with your best friends/family, they rub your the wrong way here and there. Shit, they wouldn’t be your best friends if you agreed on everything and never had moments where you wanted to scream at each other. If you are sitting there like, “but Mollie, I get along perfectly with my besties.” I promise you, they aren’t your bestie…FACT!

Ok well that’s about all the time I have for a blog post right now. I hope it was slightly entertaining, insightful, made you feel better about yourself… All the things!


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