Entries by Mollie Minskoff

Traditions Shmraditions

I get a lot of side eye for my lack of enthusiasm about regular Holiday traditions that society makes you feel like you should be doing with your kids. Easter is coming up and I have already had some explaining to do about this damn Easter bunny. I am talking about the lies we make […]


All the hard working badasses out there, yup that’s you! Well hopefully that’s you reading. If you are just reading this from your parents couch and accidentally stumbled upon this blog in search of a dating app for singles work hard like a badass on that bag of chips and keep reading, you might learn […]


Orgasms & Ice Cream Parlors…

The title caught you off guard right?! GOOD! What more do you need when you are single AF? Oh you think you need a companion to make you feel content? Not necessarily. A good vibrator does the trick just fine. It doesn’t argue, it’s never late, it doesn’t climax first (or ever for that matter), […]