I am not sure what it is that gets inside a persons head and says, “Hey, I think I will give this person my opinion!” Even though they didn’t ask for it. This is something we do as children and young adults still learning about ourselves and the world. The only time you should be giving an opinion about someones life choices, is if those choices are physically or emotionally affecting you personally.

I am opinionated AF. I will speak my mind about things that affect ME! But I am not going to speak my mind about something that someone else is doing like, feeding their kid candy everyday or dressing themselves like a hobo and just not giving a fuck about their appearances. Those things are none of my business and not my place to comment on. NOW, if they ask me for my opinion, I am going to give it to them, but only because they asked. I always disclaim before I give my opinions that, “it might be something that you do not want to hear.” My days of giving out unwarranted opinions have been gone for some years now. It’s just a huge turn off to hear something you didn’t ask for.

Here is the flip side. If someone is doing something that affects me, like smoking. I fucking HATE smoking. If you know me, you know I despise cigarettes. Did I ever smoke one when I was younger, yes I did, and the thought grosses me the fuck out, but I was young and stupid and I am not young and stupid anymore. I have had an uncle that I loved very much die from lung cancer, I have an Aunt that just went into remission from lung cancer and she didn’t even smoke. I have friends who’s children are having respiratory problems from coming into contact with 2nd and 3rd hand smoke. I have spoken about it before, there is an article in a previous post that you can take a look at. I have had plenty of friends laugh at me or tell me I am being dramatic, or tell me that it’s not affecting me. Well it sure fucking is! So if it’s affecting me and something that is going to potentially affect my child then I am going to say something about it.

Other unwarranted opinions I get from friends and family are the following. The type of family I want to build or the way I choose to parent. The way I parent doesn’t work for everyone. I am a tough Momma, I don’t pose empty threats, I expect respect and good behavior, but then I am also relaxed about things. I don’t care too much about what my kid watches, if it’s freaking her out than we turn off whatever it is, but hey, I was watching horror movies at around 3-4 years old and I turned out ok. I also curse in front of my child and I am not going to cover my mouth and be like “oh no mommy shouldn’t have said that.” I talk very openly with my child about almost anything. But these are things I am not going to do in front of someone else’s child and be like, well this is just how my house hold is. This is where I am pointing out that certain things YOU might find to be ok, might not be for someone else who is in your presence. Therefor if other people come over I am not going to throw something on the TV that most parents wouldn’t want their kid watching or start cursing like a sailor. Yes, it’s my home, but I have mad respect for the people I am choosing to be around.

I went off on a little tangent, but I think the main opinion I get some “seasoned” parents. What I mean is, parents who have more kids than me. I have stopped counting how many parents who think they know better than me. I got these opinions before I even had my first child. I got the opinions from family and friends. People who didn’t think I could do it, or not even that they thought I couldn’t do it, but that they thought it was going to be really really hard and that I had better think really hard about what I was getting myself into. Ok well, I chewed on those fucking opinions and I shit them right the fuck out and you know where those opinions are now. Down in a sewer with all the other “shitty” opinions. I have proved everyone wrong on how they thought my life as a single parent would be. It’s fucking fabulous, I truly mean that, in fact, I almost encourage single parenting. I go back and forth on whether or not I want to be with someone, because I truly love my life right now, I honestly don’t want all the problems that go along with relationships and marriage, maybe I will one day, but not right now. Is it fucking hard sometimes, sure, everyones life with or without kids can be hard, I would say the things that are the hardest for me and stress me out, have almost nothing to do with my kid. She tends to be at the bottom of my stress list, she is the person I look the most forward to spending time with after a long day or hanging out with on the weekend.

I am at a point where I am ready to have more children. I want 3 total before I am 40 and as the badass, independent Woman that I am, I know that I can raise all three by myself, in fact I am really looking forward to it. Bring on the mother fucking opinions people. The funny thing about the, “well two kids are much different than one and three are different than two..” and so on. The many people who have given me this opinion are people who have never been a single parent. I am talking about the single parent who doesn’t co-parent, literally you are SINGLE AF, like me, you do everything. I guarantee you that a large majority of these people with their opinions wouldn’t be able to take on my life for a second. The fact that I have been raising a child by myself, taking on many jobs, taking care of a home and am maintaining a happy, healthy life… a couple more kids will only complete the wonderful life that I am loving more and more everyday. Ok, so tell me how hard it’s going to be, I can’t wait to tell you how wrong you are!

Your life is exactly how you make it. Have I lost my shit, sure, I did recently, my body said “fuck you”, “calm down Mollie, you aren’t giving yourself a break.” I am definitely not sitting here telling anyone that I am perfect, but I am one tough cookie and I am opinionated about things I know I can do, things that affect me and I am capable of things that a lot of people aren’t because I have literally trained myself to have the mindset of, “you are capable of impossible things.” Alas I shall end this post with one of my favorite quotes that you will probably hear me say quite a bit…

“Opinions are like assholes. Everyone has one!”

Single AF

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