Ladies..Take your THRONE!

Is it the dragons, the chiseled men in armor, the sex? Yes, all these things make Game Of Thrones worth watching, but really, in all honesty, it's the fucking BADASS Women that lead this show. Please tell me you haven't over looked this?…

Wasted Friendships

*Please note that I am representing strong human beings who are capable of becoming strong confident people who stand up for themselves. Some of the things I write about might be offensive and bold. I cannot apologize for that. I will never…


Yes, that's right. I love Monday's, you know why? Because I enjoy my life...Most of the time! (YES I REALIZE ITS TUESDAY AND I DIDN'T GET AROUND TO POSTING THIS LAST NIGHT CUZ I DECIDED TO WATCH A SHOW INSTEAD..#HONESTY). I laugh every Monday…

Check Yo' Shit Ladies!

This is more or less directed at women in their 30's or older, yes I have run into some Men who are still acting like idiotic boys and they are long gone from my life. If you are still in your 20's your shitty behavior is still excusable,…

American "Asshole" Airlines...Fasten your belts!

I find that a lot of parents are intimidated to fly with their kids. I have been flying with my daughter since she was one month old and at this point the only thing I get nervous about is her puking in the car on the way to the airport, (we…

0 Miles...MUST REFUEL!

All the hard working badasses out there, yup that's you! Well hopefully that's you reading. If you are just reading this from your parents couch and accidentally stumbled upon this blog in search of a dating app for singles work hard like…

Needing a Vacation from Vacation...

First off Happy New Year to everyone reading! The holidays went by faster than a sneeze, am I right? This post is going to give you a taste of how the chapters in my book are written. How raw and personal I get and a little follow up on…

Let's UNFUCK this world & be better humans...

It has surprised me recently how little people know me, people who have known me for enough time that you would think they know key things about me, such as, I am Jewish.  Do you see where I am leading?  Hopefully you read the…

Orgasms & Ice Cream Parlors...

The title caught you off guard right?! GOOD! What more do you need when you are single AF? Oh you think you need a companion to make you feel content? Not necessarily. A good vibrator does the trick just fine. It doesn’t argue, it’s…

It doesn't matter how you support as long as you do...

There is a huge march going on #marchforourlives.  I have to admit, I have never gone to a march for anything and I honestly don't know if I would.  I feel as though I have good reasoning.  I have  a daughter and I…