What has everyone been watching these days? There are so many good shows to watch and so little time, plus who has time to watch everything? I know I don’t, if you do…WOW is all I have to say. Also, no judgement except you have a shit ton of time on your hands. Anyways, two shows I have watched recently brought up a lot of old feelings from when I was a teenager. Can you guess the two shows I am talking about? Ok, well one of them was a two episode documentary and the other is being rated one of the best shows on TV. Did you guess? ‘Euphoria’ and ‘I Love you, now die’ (about Michelle Carter). This new teenage culture is an elevated version of what my teenage years were like and it’s fucking scary.

When I first heard about the Michelle Carter ordeal and how they were trying to blame her for the suicide of her boyfriend I started laughing. I laughed because in my head I was like, no way can they condemn her for this and how silly that they would even try. Yes, I know that a lot of you are probably like “what the fuck Mollie, how could you say that?” Well I am saying it, I absolutely 100 percent do not feel like she should have gone to jail for that. Watch the documentary and get more of the facts and I have a feeling you will change your mind if you are currently against what I am saying. These are two teenagers, totally fucked up mentally by the normal teenage issues and depression, mixed with anti depressants. Which in my opinion is given out like candy to teenagers that are having issues that almost all teenagers have. But listen, I am not a doctor, I am just speaking from my own experience. Pills are not the answer for a developing brain, good therapy is the answer. This was a couple of years of mental destruction from the boyfriend consistently telling Michelle that he wanted to kill himself and her telling him no. All the while this girl is dealing with her own shit, trying to fit in, battling depression of her own. So in the end she finally just conforms to what he wants. Apparently tells him to get back into the car, mind you she wasn’t there and there is no actual proof that she said that too him, but hey, let the poor girl rot in jail and be ridiculed for the rest of her life, I am sure that is going to solve the problem by making her an example of I am not really sure what. This is what teenagers do unfortunately, especially now with the amazing chat systems we have on our phones, the social media, the stuff we are capable of saving that we weren’t back when I was younger. Do you know how many young people would be getting sentenced to jail if we all starting coming out about who told who to kill themselves or who threatened who or who bullied who? Shit, I can think of a pretty big list of people who would be in some big fucking trouble right now.

Freedom of speech has really been compromised. I certainly had kids back in high school tell me to kill myself, call me at my home with voice changers threatening me and my family. Teenagers are fucking mean! I know I probably said some mean shit. I was definitely depressed at a certain point as well. Not enough to want to die, not ever. But I went through a pretty rough time in my teenage years and then again in my 20’s. It’s a lot different now with social media, the constant shootings happening, everyone being very open about their sexuality and who they are, how they feel. The world is ever so changing and so is the teenage culture and community. Then there is the show ‘Euphoria’, which shows a lot more of this teenage angst, depression, experimenting, trying to figure out who they are, who they want to be, anger, love, acceptance. Damn, I really would not want to be a fucking teenager again, especially not today, I cannot even imagine and it makes me stare at my daughter every single day hoping that she won’t be a hot mess to handle. Have you all watched Euphoria? OH HOT DAMN!

To be continued…


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