If you have a child that is 3 years old or older then you know that it’s a non stop road of questions. Questions that have no filter at all. Example: “Mommy why do you look so tired?” Or “Mommy why is that kid chewing with his mouth open?” These questions are always asked loud enough so that an entire room and the person they are talking about can hear it crystal clear.

I have been getting the same question from many of my daughters friends lately. “Where is Mischka’s Daddy?” “Why doesn’t she have a daddy?” So many parents would try to avoid this question. They might tell themselves that it is inappropriate to tell someone else’s child the answer to this question, but I think it’s important to give them an honest answer, in an appropriate way of course. So I always answer; “Mischka doesn’t have a Dad.” Then the kids always ask why, to which I answer, “there are all kinds of families. Some have a mommy and a daddy, some have just one mommy, some have one daddy, some have a mommy and a mommy or a daddy and a daddy.” If I still get another why I answer, “maybe you should talk to your mom or dad about it. Most of the time after I tell them Mischka doesn’t have a daddy, they give me this very perplexed look and drop the subject. I get quite a giggle out of it sometimes. At the school my daughter is attending they explain all these different family scenarios to the children from a young age which I very much appreciate, but many many children don’t know these different scenarios and believe/think that the “normal” family is a mommy and daddy.

I think the conventional family that we used to see all over TV shows, the typical mom and dad, this is slowly becoming less and less of the norm. No one should ever feel shamed for the type of family they want to have or the type of family that they come from that might not be looked at as the conventional standard we have been used to. I am starting to see more and more that TV shows and movies are squashing this norm. I don’t ever want my child to feel like there is something wrong with the way we live or that she should have a daddy.

I love seeing the curiosity that these little kids have. I think that the world we live in right now is becoming a little more honest about how we live, how we are accepting who we want to love, how we want to create our families. Pride month means a lot of things for me, it’s having pride for what I have, the happiness I have created for myself that might not be looked at as conventional, but the life I have created is MY NORMAL. Like I always say I wouldn’t trade my life for anything.

Maybe the next kid who asks why Mischka only has a mommy, I will reply, “how come you have a mommy and a daddy?” Just to see what they say! Kidding kidding kidding…Maybe 😉


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