It has taken many many years for women to obtain the rights that they have today and now there are people who want to turn back time so that women might have to start collecting wire hangars and abortion kits like back in the day. Yes, I brought it there because that is exactly what will start happening. No sugar coating over here. Hopefully it doesn’t come to this, but criminalizing abortion, well, it’s just criminal! I have had 3 abortions in my life. I could say that I was manipulated into doing two of them, but at the end of the day it was my choice regardless of the harsh threats I received from my ex boyfriend’s. No one should be making a decision about what you do with your body. This goes for a man as well. I am certainly never going to tell a man what he should do with his body.

Roe v Wade was a huge break through for the world and most of all for women. Pushing back on something like this, trying to over turn a women’s right to choose is saying that we do not own our bodies. Further more, the rules that are being negotiated that could be put into place such as, not being able to terminate a child with Down syndrome. Ok, I know there are going to be people who disagree with me on this. I absolutely commend anyone who has brought a child with Down syndrome into the world. You are a wonderful person, but it isn’t easy. I don’t know if I would be able to do it. I fully admit that and my personal opinion is, why, if you can find out before they are born, why put that child through such a taxing life. Things that happen after a child is born is something you cannot control. That’s my opinion and again, it comes down to choice. I may not choose to have a child that I find out will have Down syndrome, but my best friend might. That’s great…CHOICE! A women in Alabama had to have her RAPE CHILD because she wasn’t allowed to get an abortion!? ARE YOUR FUCKING KIDDING ME!? I have a rape child, but I 100% could have had an abortion if I wanted too and I CHOSE not too. That’s right, I made a choice, I had the right, thank goodness! The right to choose has been a really good thing for women, that can’t change, but it is and it’s very scary.

The first abortion I had was when I had just turned 21 years old. I was still in college, I didn’t know exactly where I wanted to be, I hadn’t fully grown up. I still needed to grow up, A LOT! It wasn’t the right time and I wasn’t ready. OPINION: I do not believe it is healthy to bring a child into the world if you are not ready to take on the responsibility. I surely was not ready and have no regrets on that decision. The next two I had wanted, but I was dating some really really horrible people who gave me some harsh ultimatums. So the choice was only partially mine some might say and I was emotionally not strong enough to tell anyone to FUCK OFF! When I got pregnant with my daughter it was not planned, it was also with a really horrible human being. Yes, I know my track record for who I have dated isn’t great and if you are reading for the first time, read some of my older posts and you will get an idea of why. Back to what I was saying. When I got pregnant with my daughter there was no doubt in my mind that I would have her. I got a lot of negativity from the person who got me pregnant, lots of threats again and negativity from my family as well. But I was strong enough at that point in my life, confident, and grown up enough to tell everyone that this was my choice, my life and my body.

It really does get my blood boiling to think that we would go so far back as to put a lock and key on a women’s body. “Ya sorry ma’am, but you must raise this child!” There are people out there right now raising children that they were never ready to have or never wanted because someone told them they had too. You know what happens in many of these situations? Abuse, foster care, death! Come on, you have read the many articles that have come out over the years of crazy people who do awful things to their children. CHOICE! No one should be dictating a women’s right, especially a man, and a lot of men are the ones trying to make these decisions. We went 20 steps forward and now we are going 10 steps back.

Ladies, I will always have your back on whatever decision you make about your body and having children, that is your right and I will fight to keep these rights for all of us. Let’s fight to keep abortion safe and legal!


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