Dream or Reality?
Life Coaching Boot Camp, Opinionated AF
Ever since I was a little girl I have had very vivid and disturbing dreams. I am usually being chased, sometimes I die. I rarely have a dream where I am frolicking on the beach, meeting the love of my life. With all the research I have done…

Adulting Like A Boss, Life Coaching Boot Camp, Opinionated AF, Social AF, Unconventional Parenting
Hey hey, it's Friday! Oh and it's Labor Day weekend, but that's not it! There's more? YUP! Today I have launched my new website MollieAF.com and some new awesome merchandise for SingleAF. I know it's a lot to take in and you thought that…

No Advertisements Please
Life Coaching Boot Camp
People ask me quite often what I do. I don't advertise my professions. I don't really have websites where you can look up my services. I know I seem like an in your face type of person, but when it comes to work, I stay under the radar.…

It's More Than A Feeling: Part 2
Life Coaching Boot Camp
Have you all finally had a chance to watch Euphoria? I feel like most people have at this point or at least everyone knows about it, but is hesitant to watch because of the extreme "wow factor". Go watch it. If you are above the age of 16…

Life Coaching Boot Camp, Uncategorized
What's the best type of friend? If you can't think of one word to describe the best type of friend then you have some problems bro! LOYAL! The best type of friend in this world is a loyal one! SHEESH...
Many people like to claim that…

Adulting Like A Boss, Life Coaching Boot Camp
Yes, that's right. I love Monday's, you know why? Because I enjoy my life...Most of the time! (YES I REALIZE ITS TUESDAY AND I DIDN'T GET AROUND TO POSTING THIS LAST NIGHT CUZ I DECIDED TO WATCH A SHOW INSTEAD..#HONESTY). I laugh every Monday…

Boot Camp Coaching: Manifesting vs. Doing
Life Coaching Boot Camp
One of the 4 jobs I currently do is Life Coaching. I got into it a few years ago because of my master coach. She inspired me because her approach was so much about doing. There was always homework, always actions I had to be proving. It…

You call me OCD...I say "Get Your Shit Together!"
Life Coaching Boot Camp
Many would say that I have OCD or that I am a clean/germ freak. Opinions are like assholes and everyone has one, am I right? OCD stands for OBSESSIVE COMPULSIVE DISORDER, people I am not that organized and I sure do break my own…

You've been warned! Bitches Be Trippin'...
Life Coaching Boot Camp, Social AF
You are probably looking at the title of my post saying, "what did you warn me about Mollie?" I warned you how raw, real and honest I will get. How I will sometimes, most of the time (let's be honest), have some pretty strong opinions,…