New Decade, New Voice
Adulting Like A Boss, Opinionated AF, Uncategorized
Damn. It's been a few months since I have done a blog post. No better time then a New Decade right? I don't make New Years resolutions, I think I stopped doing that in high school. I feel like it's ok to make resolutions for yourself throughout…

Opinionated AF, Uncategorized
An image I see quite often right now when I think of women and how we are being affected by whats happening in the world, our freedom being ripped away, I see an hour glass, because, well, it is only a matter of time before it stops and we…

Ladies..Take your THRONE!
Adulting Like A Boss, Uncategorized
Is it the dragons, the chiseled men in armor, the sex? Yes, all these things make Game Of Thrones worth watching, but really, in all honesty, it's the fucking BADASS Women that lead this show. Please tell me you haven't over looked this?…

Rum Punched the Dragon Queen
I only drink rum when I am somewhere tropical, specifically the Abaco Islands. It must be the air, because I cannot drink rum when I am back home in New York, not unless I want to wake up with my head pounding. Yup, it's gotta be the ocean…

You are 100 percent thinking the title of this post has to do with Marijuana, right? WRONG! My mind went there as well when I first heard it, but down in the Islands it has to do with a dog or a person that is all mixed up with different…

Life Coaching Boot Camp, Uncategorized
What's the best type of friend? If you can't think of one word to describe the best type of friend then you have some problems bro! LOYAL! The best type of friend in this world is a loyal one! SHEESH...
Many people like to claim that…

American "Asshole" Airlines...Fasten your belts!
Adulting Like A Boss, Uncategorized
I find that a lot of parents are intimidated to fly with their kids. I have been flying with my daughter since she was one month old and at this point the only thing I get nervous about is her puking in the car on the way to the airport, (we…